Encaenial Tea Party

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Encaenia tea, c.1920. Acc. 2010.05; Series 1; Item no. 67, File 4.

History: The Encaenial Tea Party was traditionally held on the terrace in front of the Old Arts Building and was an elegant social affair. The tables were adorned with silverware and china, floral centre-pieces and "tasteful" decorations, and the music was provided by either the University or the City Orchestra. Hosted by the President's wife, along with other women connected the university (after 1910 the event was hosted by the Alumnae Society), the tea entertained members of the graduating class, dignitaries, and residents of Fredericton.

After many years of not observing the tradition, the event was reinstated in 1960 and became a much more informal affair. In recent years, the Encaenial Tea Party is held for graduates and their family and friends directly after each graduation ceremony, usually in the Student Union Building.


  • UNB Scrapbooks (UA RG 100), [1936] - 1943.
  • UNB Scrapbooks (UA RG 100), January - June 1960.
  • Montague, Susan. A Pictorial History of the University of New Brunswick. Fredericton: University of New Brunswick, 1992, p. 66.
  • UA Case 128; Section 2; File 1.

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