Anniversaries and Significant Dates in the History of UNB

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There are many anniversaries to celebrate for a university as old as the University of New Brunswick.

In preparation for UNB"s 225th Celebration in 2010-2011, then University President Dr. John McLaughlin supported the preparation of an anniversaries database.

​For their 50th Anniversary Celebration, UNB Saint John has developed these resources: 

List of significant dates in the History of the University:

Significant Dates
Date Event
1785 December 13 H.M. Council of New Brunswick considers a petition for a "Provincial Academy of Arts and Sciences" and orders the "Attorney and Solicitor General" to prepare a draft Charter. Land granted for its support.
1786 March 2 Fredericton Town Book notes that revenues received from the land granted will be applied to "an Academy or College to be erected and supported at Fredericton..."
1786 May 13 Reserved land sold at public auction for use of the proposed Academy.
[1787] Draft charter prepared based on that of King's College, New York (Columbia University).
1790 There is a Grammar School at Fredericton employing "such were to be found upon the spot."
1800 February 12 Provincial Charter granted for the "College of New Brunswick."
1820 March 25 James Somerville approved as President and only professor of the College of New Brunswick.
1822 April 29 First college classes held.
1827 December 15 Royal Charter of incorporation for King's College, Fredericton.
1828 February 21 First and last three graduates of the College of New Brunswick: D. H. Smith (BA), S.D.L. Street (BA) and T.R. Wetmore (BA)
1829 January 1 Official opening of King's College (Old Arts Building, now Sir Howard Douglas Hall).
1829 October 19 First professors (Edwin Jacob, George McCawley and James Somerville)appointed, with Jacob becoming Vice-President and Principal.
1829 November 21 Students occupy Old Arts Building as a residence.
1830 February 19 First meeting of the Convocation.
1830 March 24 Second meeting of the Convocation awards an honorary DCL to William Black and BA degrees to Charles Fisher and Frederick Dibblee.
1830 June 24 Third meeting of the Convocation, first celebration of Encaenia (Feast of the Founders). Timothy Robert Wetmore admitted to the degree of Bachelor in Civil Law.
1831 March 29 First scholarship founded in the College.
1838 Women admitted. Popular lectures in chemistry held.
1846 December 9 Amended Charter of King's College enacted bringing more government participation in the workings of the institution.
1859 April 13 Act establishing the University of New Brunswick passed.
1862 December 16 Alumni Society established.
1867 September First issue of the student newspaper, the University Monthly.
1880 September Two women sit for the matriculation exam for UNB.
1886 September First woman admitted to classes at UNB.
1891 First UNB extension courses held in Saint John.
1900 The University's Centennial is celebrated.
1923 The Saint John Law School becomes affiliated with UNB.
1928 First Summer School held at the University, run not by the administration but privately by the professors.
1950 The University celebrates its 150th anniversary.
1964 The Saint John campus of the University of New Brunswick (UNBSJ) is established.

For more UNB history see: *[1]]

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